
Schedule of Readings

Page history last edited by Meagan Buchanan 15 years, 2 months ago

Week One

     August 20

     Class Introduction


The Central Debate: Evolution, Revolution, or De-evolution?

Week Two

August 25

     Marshall McLuhan, "The Medium is the Message" (Course Reserve)

     Tim O' Reilly, "What is Web 2.0: Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation"

      Lev Grossman, "Time's Person of the Year: You."

     "History of the Internet" (video)

August 27

     Nicholas Carr, "Is Google Making Us Stupid"

     Jamais Cascio, "Get Smarter"

Week Three

September 1

     Andrew Keen, "The Great Seduction" from The Cult of the Amateur (Course Reserve)

     Nicholas Carr, "The amorality of Web 2.0"

     "The Good, the Bad, and the Web 2.0" Wall Street Journal Online

September 3

     David Weinberger, "The New Order of Order" & "The Work of Knowledge" from Everything is Miscellaneous (Course Reserve)

     "Social Bookmarking in Plain English" The Common Craft Show

Changing Networks and Community

Week Four

September 8

     Manuel Castellas, "Why Networks Matter"

     Douglas Watts, "Six Degrees" (Course Reserve)

September 10

     Howard Rheingold, "Network Literacy" (Videos 1 and 2)

Week Five

September 15

     Garrett Hardin, "Tragedy of the Commons"

     Howard Rheingold, TED talk on Collaboration

     Clay Shirky "How Social Media Can Make History,"  & Web 2.0 Expo Keynote

September 17

     Pieter Boeder, "Habermas Heritage: the future of the Public Sphere in the Networked Society"

     Evgeny Morozov, "Texting Toward Utopia"

Changing Ethics

Week Six

September 22

     Howard Rheingold, "Always on Panopticon or Cooperation Amplifier" from Smart Mobs (Course Reserve)

September 24

     "Understanding Net Neutrality" (video)

     Johnathan Zittrain, "The Future of the Internet and How to Stop It"  (video)

Week Seven

September 29     

     This article on Internet Piracy.

October 1


     Remix (full length feature documentary)

     Mark Helprin, "A Great Idea Lives Forever. Shouldn't its Copyright?" 


Changing Art

Week Eight

October 6


    Chris Anderson, "Free! Why $0.00 is the Future of Business"

     Malcom Gladwell, "Priced to Sell. Is free the future?"

October 8

    Bolter & Grusin, "Remediation" (Course Reserve)


The Object(s) of Analysis

Note: Readings for these weeks are yet to be determined.

Click here to sign up for these weeks

Week  Nine: Twitter 

     October 13

          3 Articles for this day, the last two are fairly short.

               Chuck Tryon, "Why You Should Be on Twitter"

               Patrick Ruffini, "The Case Against Blogs and Twitter"

               Hamid Tehrani, "Iran: Myth and reality about Twitter"


     October 15

          2 articles for this day, the second is lengthy.

               Sean O'Neill, "Predictions of Twitter's future in 140 characters or less"

               24/7 Wall st., "10 Ways Twitter Will Change American Business"

Week Ten: Wikipedia

     October 20 

       Charles Wilson, "The Wisdom of the Chaperones: Digg, Wikipedia, and the myth of Web 2.0 democracy"

       Marshall Poe,"The Hive"

       How to Submit Wiki Articles (Youtube)

     October 22


Nature - "Internet encyclopaedias go head to head"

Time - "Jimmy Wales Quietly Edits Wikipedia's New Edit Policy"

Time - "Wikipedia Victim of Its Own Success"


Week Eleven: 

     October 27 - Youtube


Wikipedia, "YouTube"

Sid Yadav, "YouTube- The Complete Profile"

Short Video "The History of YouTube"

John Cloud, "The Gurus of YouTube"


     October 29 - Guest Speaker Brian Conley

               Check out Alive in Baghdad, and watch some videos.

               Also look at Alive in Afghanistan.

               And finally take a look at The Web Ecology Project on Twitter and the Afghanistan election.


Week Twelve: Facebook

     November 3-Youtube 

The New York Times: As Rights Clash on Youtube, Some Music Vanishes

Wired: Youtube vs. Boobtube (lengthy)

Wired: You Tube Search and Delete 

 Official YouTube Channel: Secrets to YouTube Success





Week Twelve: Facebook

     November 3-Youtube 

The New York Times: As Rights Clash on Youtube, Some Music Vanishes

Wired: Youtube vs. Boobtube (lengthy)

Wired: You Tube Search and Delete 

 Official YouTube Channel: Secrets to YouTube Success


     November 5 Guest Speaker Brian Conley

               Check out Alive in Baghdad, and watch some videos.

               Also look at Alive in Afghanistan.

               And finally take a look at The Web Ecology Project on Twitter and the Afghanistan election.


Week Thirteen: 

     November 10- Facebook


Do You Own Facebook? Or Does Facebook Own You? - New York Magazine (please make sure you've read all the pages)

Great Wall of Facebook: The Social Network's Plan to Dominate the Internet - and Keep Google Out - Wired

More Proof- Facebook for the Rich, Myspacefor the Poor - New York Times

     November 12 -TBA

Week Fourteen:

     November 17- Facebook

     November 19 -Journalism

Week Fifteen: 

     November 24 - Entertainment

     CNET: End of the world as Hollywood knows it

     Wired: Free, Legal and Online: Why Hulu Is the New Way to Watch TV

Week Sixteen: 

     December 1 -Entertainment/Mobile

     Wired: The Secret World of Lonelygirl

     December 2 -Mobile



Final Projects Due December 11th.


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