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Cameras on Campus

Page history last edited by Keith Demele 15 years ago

"You are being watched."


He wasn't lying when he said that, okay, so you have to press the little camera on the bottom right hand side to gain control. After that, you can use the scroll bar on the right to zoom in/out. The bottom scroll bar, to rotate that camera, you can also guide it by clickin on the screen. Have fun and enjoy.

fyi- you're also able to take pictures with the web camera. Also, you have a time limit to you use the camera up to 5 minutes unless no one is waiting to use it. It will let you know if you have someone looking at it after time is up.


http://www.utdallas.edu/residencehall/webcam/ - Cam ontop of ATEC building - toward residence hall - non-movable

Comments (1)

Meagan Buchanan said

at 10:07 pm on Sep 27, 2009

Yea I went to the webcam site that day after we talked about it in class... I felt really creepy though watching it I had to stop

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